Collaboration tools are becoming increasingly important as workplaces are becoming digital workspaces. Digital collaboration without a secure security system can raise your business’s risk of cyber-threats that could sweep it off its feet.
Many employees don’t know how to protect their files using the aid of a collaboration tool, and this can create security loopholes that hackers can exploit. If employees share a dangerous file or ransomware to the other members of their team, this could inadvertently infect other devices and spread the threat.
It is essential to give employees regular and thorough training to avoid these security risks. Businesses should not only educate employees about the best practices for online collaboration security but also implement BYOD policies that include clear guidelines on how to utilize collaborative tools. Additionally, businesses should consider adding security features to collaboration which focus on reducing human error as the main entry point for hackers.
Another crucial element to secure online collaboration is limiting access and the right of access to sensitive documents. You can do this by installing information governance workflows into your collaboration software to ensure that only authorized users are able access restricted data. Additionally, you could schedule regular assessments for each project to determine privilege sprawl and prune old data that should not be kept on a collaboration platform.
Finaly, you can secure your files with a strong solution for encryption. Make sure the collaboration software you select has bank-level 256-bit encryption, which is so strong it will take even the most powerful computer on Earth more than one billion years to decrypt the file.