If you used the create-react-app tool, it will of course look different. That is okay since we’ll change the default view in the next step. If your project has started up fine, you can what is redux for move on to the next section. It’s also important to point out that these are not mutually exclusive options – you can use Redux, Context, and useReducer together at the same time!
Mutating state in place and calling setState will not cause a re-render. We provide an exhaustive-deps ESLint rule as a part of the eslint-plugin-react-hooks package. It warns when dependencies are specified incorrectly and suggests a fix.
Redux has its own Hooks.
The components will be a child of CounterView, which will act as the container. The button component will have buttons that will either increment or decrement the value of the count state. I should have probably titled this article ‘How to implement Redux in plain React’ because this approach follows all the Redux patterns but in React.
Firstly we need to get a fresh project started, type into your terminal npx create-react-app react-hooks-and-context-api. Traditionally, performance concerns around inline functions in React have been related to how passing new callbacks on each render breaks shouldComponentUpdate optimizations in child components. If you’re only using Redux to avoid passing down props, you can replace it with Context API. Context is great for sharing trivial pieces of state between components. Redux is much more powerful and provides a set of handy features that Context doesn’t have. It’s great for managing centralized state and handling API requests.
To find context go to src/context and check it out how I used it with api calls.
However, its verbosity makes it difficult to learn, and the extra code needed to get it working can introduce unnecessary complexity. By solving this problem, Redux, an open source JavaScript library for managing application state, became the go-to solution for React developers. This results in writing a ton of extra code, and giving components properties that they will never use also affects their architectural design.
However, I always like building clean and beautiful interfaces with the least amount of effort. Since this is a tutorial about state management, I won’t explain how the library works. So, clearly these are very different tools with different capabilities. The only overlap between them, really, is “can be used to avoid prop-drilling”. Redux helps you manage “global” state – state that is needed across many parts of your application. “Context vs Redux” has been one of the most widely debated topics within the React community ever since the current React Context API was released.